I suspected that this is a perfect painting but after sitting with it I am now certain. The cluster reminds me of the naked ancient remnants of the forum. Like those ruins I saw as a kid these too possess stories and a hidden life I will never be able to decode. The vessels are open but I am never granted the opportunity to look inside.
A Greenish yellow taupe grey sky with an indescribable tone as a ground envelope 5 characters. Although they appear as distinctly separate the more one looks at them the more ambiguous the space between them appears. They bunch up in ways that defy a conventional reading of space, at times the void space becomes more solid than a form or becomes more important than one. On a closer look segments in the distance read closer than objects in the front and when one drifts to look at another section they shift back to a conventional reading of space. They are not just bottles or jars, they are squiggles that have secrets, lovingly massaged vessels that contain the profound teachings of the true nature of space.
Because there are no hard edges the eye can easily travel in between the forms, because of this I feel an all consuming space, it’s free, it pervades everywhere. A wavy line on the right edge of the white vessel mirrors the stroke his hand makes when he paints the void space, tying the two together viscerally. Because he paints all areas with this same atmospheric hand he can make a muted copper brown have gravity as well as feel light.
Even though I will never be able to know the mysteries of these containers it doesn’t bother me. Space pervades each container, it’s all pervasive, it’s what animates each vessel and it’s what holds them all together. I know that I have the same nature, allowing me to sit here, appreciate them and rest.